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Flower and Garden Cookies

slice of a veggie garden cookies

Because it’s hard to plant tulips in January.

I got into gardening when we bought our farm. In fact, for a long time I pretty much only decorated cookies during the yucky months (which in Ohio is like SIX OF THEM) when I’d be stuck inside and it was too hot or too cold to garden. Ohio weather is insane. It’s negative double digits in winter, rain until May, you get June if you’re lucky, July-September suck, and by October it’s getting dark way too early.

So what to do while I’m dreaming about starting seeds and mulching paths? Decorate garden cookies of course!

slice of a veggie garden cookies
Radishes, carrots, and garlic, oh my!

I didn’t come up with these, but I still love them. They were pretty straightforward to make too. Credit for this design goes to Make Me Cake Me.

And then I got fancy.

I went out early last spring (when it still felt like winter) and finally bought an airbrush specifically so I could decorate these stargazer lilies. I’d been wanting one for a while, but kept going back and forth on which brand. I read mixed reviews on the super mini compressors so decided to go with a slightly larger one, not specifically made for cakes and cookies. I ended up with this compressor. (although I’m a little salty; mine only came with one gun and no airbrush color!)

The airbrush really makes the lilies pop. I’m excited to try some other colors, maybe orange tiger lilies!

Stargazer lily decorated sugar cookies
Not sure if I should smell them or eat them…

But wait. I can be fancier!

I’ve always had this idea that piped flowers were for cakes only. But when I saw these gorgeous violas by the amazing Cookie Cutter Kingdom I knew I needed to up my game.

This was my first time piping with stiff icing and special tips (rose petal tip if I recall). I had no faith in my ability to succeed with direct-to-cookie piping, so these are royal icing transfers and trust me, I went through quite a few before I got any that looked remotely like violas. Then they just started to slide right off the end of the icing tip like magic! Beginners luck, probably. I doubt I’ll be able to make these look this good again.

viola garden cookies
Nailed it!
violas and clovers garden cookies
Violas, clovers, and a little friend.

A bit about copying others’ cookies

I spend a lot of time copying other peoples cookies. It helps me understand and practice techniques, and usually inspires me to create something unique. When I have a cookie in mind I usually turn to Pinterest and pull bits and pieces from my favorites. When I share a cookie I copied closely I try to include a link to the creator (hey, free blog traffic!) and not pass it off as mine. It’s possible I’ll make a mistake and forget to credit someone. Just poke me and remind me if you ever catch me. And if I ever post something I copied from YOU and you don’t want me to, just let me know and I’ll take it down. (Just remember, high quality backlinks are Google’s friend!) Here’s what other cookie artists think about copying in the cookie realm.

So, it is with a clear conscience I present to you: The Vegetable Garden Cookie!

vegetable garden sugar cookie
Itty bitty widdle carrots!

This one is all 100% mine although you can see the inspiration from the violas, can’t you? I only ever made this one cookie, so I think I’ll have to do a set of these soon. It’s been a few years and my skills and toolset have grown. I think I can make this better.

I’ll end with a couple other garden cookies, (credits in the captions) and the promise of a coming VIDEO TUTORIAL for a cookie design I’ve been spending a lot of time on. This will be my first full length tutorial. I have a first not-full-length-nor-very-tutorially tutorial, but this one is the real deal. I HAVE CAPTIONS AND EVERYTHING. I’ve been itching to post this weeks and I’m not sure if it’s the cookie or the tutorial that has me so excited!

roots and shoots flower sugar cookies
Again, not my design. Got this one from RH. Bake

To plant bake a garden cookie is to believe in tomorrow.

— Audrey Hepburn, who presumably loved cookies.

seed packet sugar cookies
Melissa Joy Cookies did these WAY better than me.

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St Patrick’s Cookie Decorating Class

St Patrick's Cookie Decorating class flyer
  • Date: 3/16/19
  • Time: 2-5pm
  • Location: Columbus Cookie Academy

Saint Patrick loved cookies. (I mean, I’m sure he did. Everyone loves cookies, right?) Honor his legacy in the St Patrick’s cookie decorating class by adorning shamrocks, leprechauns, cupcakes and more with rainbows of royal icing. 2-5pm.

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Cookie Decorating 101 – Easter Eggs!

Cookie Class 101 - Eggs! An example of a complex Easter egg cookie.
  • Dates: 4/6/19 & 4/20/19
  • Time: 2-5pm
  • Location: Columbus Cookie Academy

Cookie Decorating 101 – Easter Eggs is pretty self EGGSplanatory! Easter and springtime mean EGGS and that’s EGGxactly what we’re going to decorate. All the fun of traditional egg decorating, but on cookies. Plus these will taste EGGcellent.

Egg decorating cookie classes are a favorite of mine because there are infinite ways to decorate an Easter egg. Because you can’t go wrong. You can do simple or complex. Pastel or bright. And the creativity EGGxpressed by my students is always impressive.

Are you sick of my EGGscruciating puns yet?

Just to keep it interesting, we’ll also be decorating a few other surprise shapes!

Ready to sign up?

This class is offered several weekends throughout March and April.

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Thank you Columbus!

(Oops. I wrote this and then forgot to publish it. I was kinda in a cookie coma for most of January. And I think I had plans to make a THANK YOU cookie to share along with this post, but obviously that isn’t going to happen. This week. So imagine a big beautiful picture of a cookie here, kthxbye)

Thank you for a wonderful first year for Columbus Cookie Academy! The amount of interest in these classes exceeded my wildest expectations and we’re looking forward to a full roster of classes for 2019!

We have one more weekend of Valentine classes then it’s spring and Easter time and I’m soooo excited to share some designs I’ve been working on. I love to garden and spring is the time for flower and garden cookies!

I finally broke down and made a video. It’s short and silly but the point is that I made a video. It was very hard for me, I’m actually super shy and have a ton of social anxiety in certain situations (like, whenever I’m around people 😂) but I really want to do some tutorial videos and other things so I got over it.

(SOOOO…. the link to the video will be here, as soon as I figure out why it isn’t here yet. Sometimes I’m amazingly inept. I blame all the meringue powder I’ve accidentally inhaled over the years.)

*EDIT* HERE’S THE VIDEO!!!!! Well, it’s down below. LOOK BELOW! 🙂

I’ve also broken my decades long rule and started selling cookies. I’ll post more about that later, but the short story is, contact me if you wanna talk about buying cookies. 😊

Stay warm, stay outta the mud (thanks Ohio), and come take a cookie class with me!


(Am I supposed to sign blog posts? I don’t think so but this time it seemed appropriate. I’m so awkward.)

Happy Vday, ya’ll!