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Independence Day Class, Finally!

You guys. I’m sorry. June has been a heck of a month and I’m behind in like EVERYTHING. I did make up some fun patriotic cookies, however, and I’ve scheduled a last minute class for this Sunday. I may do another class the evening of Wednesday , July 3rd, so if Sunday doesn’t work let me know and if I get enough interest I’ll set up the Wednesday class.

I’ll also be making my first appearance at the Sunbury Farmer’s Market this Saturday the 29th. Was supposed to be there last Saturday but I threw my back out (geez, I’m old) trying to flip a round bale over in the barn by myself, without the mechanical help of the tractor sitting a mere 5 feet away, because I was too lazy (!) to spend 30 seconds attaching the front end loader. Sometimes I just deserve to get hurt. I recovered fairly quickly and was only down for a day but I had to promise my husband, mom, AND my hay guy not to try that anymore.

I’ll have individuals and sets for sale so come see me and buy my cookies! It would make me happy, and you’d get cookies!!

patriotic cookies

In other news, July will have a full month of classes with some super fun themes, several of which have been voted on by folks on facebook. I’m also throwing around a couple cool new class/teaching type ideas that I’ll share soon.

Thanks for sticking around. I promise more classes, more cookies, more fun is coming soon!


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Thank you Columbus!

(Oops. I wrote this and then forgot to publish it. I was kinda in a cookie coma for most of January. And I think I had plans to make a THANK YOU cookie to share along with this post, but obviously that isn’t going to happen. This week. So imagine a big beautiful picture of a cookie here, kthxbye)

Thank you for a wonderful first year for Columbus Cookie Academy! The amount of interest in these classes exceeded my wildest expectations and we’re looking forward to a full roster of classes for 2019!

We have one more weekend of Valentine classes then it’s spring and Easter time and I’m soooo excited to share some designs I’ve been working on. I love to garden and spring is the time for flower and garden cookies!

I finally broke down and made a video. It’s short and silly but the point is that I made a video. It was very hard for me, I’m actually super shy and have a ton of social anxiety in certain situations (like, whenever I’m around people 😂) but I really want to do some tutorial videos and other things so I got over it.

(SOOOO…. the link to the video will be here, as soon as I figure out why it isn’t here yet. Sometimes I’m amazingly inept. I blame all the meringue powder I’ve accidentally inhaled over the years.)

*EDIT* HERE’S THE VIDEO!!!!! Well, it’s down below. LOOK BELOW! 🙂

I’ve also broken my decades long rule and started selling cookies. I’ll post more about that later, but the short story is, contact me if you wanna talk about buying cookies. 😊

Stay warm, stay outta the mud (thanks Ohio), and come take a cookie class with me!


(Am I supposed to sign blog posts? I don’t think so but this time it seemed appropriate. I’m so awkward.)

Happy Vday, ya’ll!